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Bendy 2023

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Imagine that you’re nearing your retirement age, the pension you can count on is really low and you have no idea what you are going to do when you can’t do your part-time job that is feeding you right now anymore. All of a sudden, you get a letter from a company where you used to work as a cartoon artist back in your young days. The management asks you back, so you happily call a taxi and drive to the address. However, what you see when you walk in is quite different from a heartfelt welcome you were expecting…

Evil versions of good old cartoons

The whole studio seems quiet and empty. There is not a soul in any of the rooms, no sounds of chattering, phones ringing or cartoon making equipment buzzing. Everything seems to be dead. Except one single ink machine. It seems to be still functioning although nobody has apparently plugged it in for years. And when you come closer, there is an image of Bendy, a character you once created yourself, spurning out of it. It’s alive! And it’s moving towards you. Don’t be in a hurry to greet your creation – this version of Bendy is way different from how you remember him. Better run away as far and as quick as possible!

Don’t get killed by your own creations!

The thing is that all the cartoons in Bendy 2023 have turned evil and now they want to kill everyone they see. The only person in the building right now is you, so you are their main target. But you can’t walk away just like that – first you want to discover what really happened here. Maybe you can stop the crazy ink machine from printing monsters? Well, that’s a noble intention, just make sure nothing happens to you in the process of running this thrilling investigation! Meeting any of the animations face to face can be really dangerous, so try to stay away from them, especially Bendy who is the most dangerous of all! Good luck playing the latest version of Bendy and The Ink Machine!

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